17 white papers and resources
A New Approach to Regulatory Compliance
Since the 2008 ‘financial crisis’, regulators in virtually every jurisdiction have significantly ‘upped the ante’ in terms of levels of disclosure, granularity, trace-ability and frequency of regulatory reporting requirements.
Trends, Risks and Opportunities in Collateral Management in Asia
Collateral is viewed as both a solution to and a trigger of massive financial losses that occurred as a result of the financial crisis of 2008. In response, Asian policymakers introduced new rules and legislation, such as the amendments to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act in Japan, as…
Webinar - Collateral and counterparty tracking - the practical challenges of the new margin regime for non-cleared trades.
FREE webinar: 'Collateral and counterparty tracking: The practical challenges of the new margin regime for non-cleared trades.'
Turning Reform into Competitive Advantage
As Europe embraces a new era of cleared and executed derivativestrading, market participants will have to maximize operational efficiencies to improve risk management, provide greater transparency to clients and counterparties, and to create smoother workflows.
Global securities enforcement activity stepping up to meet new market challenges
The US regulatory environment continues to revamp with new rules being issued to conform to legislative mandates in the Dodd-Frank Act. The UK and EU also seek to reinforce previous global initiatives to reform and strengthen financial markets. These developments and implications are discussed.
SunGard pre-empts Dodd-Frank dilemmas
Organisations are preparing for the implementation of the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act regulations. Senior executive vice president at SunGard Energy & Commodities, Ben Jackson, explains how to pave the way and avoid getting caught out.
The ultimate risk – flawed liquidity risk management
As the global financial services industry digests Dodd-Frank, Basel III, European bank stress tests and the inexplicable ‘flash crash’ that downed Dow Jones 700 points in minutes, the question is where to now?