Parameta Solutions
Financial regulations are becoming increasingly complex, and auditors and regulators are placing more pressure on firms to incorporate evidential data into risk and valuation processes. While the IPV process can be challenging, it can also be a valuable tool for improving capital management and operational efficiency. By leveraging new technologies, data sources and internal collaboration, firms can strengthen their IPV processes and unlock greater value from their investments.
Making informed decisions requires the right tools. Parameta Solutions’ suite of products goes beyond simple numbers. For example, Parameta’s post-trade solutions offering helps market participants control counterparty and regulatory risks through a range of tools that manage balance sheet exposure, compression and optimisation services.
Every day, thousands of orders and committed quotes for over-the-counter derivatives are received from the largest market participants across TP, ICAP and PVM’s more than 3,000 platforms, trading venues and liquidity pools in 86 locations across 27 countries. The solutions provide market participants with a curated, normalised and standardised feed of all the orders and resulting transactions, with full taxonomy, timestamps and audit trail.
Parameta Solutions isn’t just a data provider, it is the market’s partner of choice in navigating the ever-challenging world of regulatory oversight.
All content by Parameta Solutions
Price check: Is your firm keeping pace with IPV?
Independent price verification (IPV) and valuation control are key requirements of financial firms’ compliance, risk management and reporting activities. But the growing complexity of financial markets and patchy liquidity means regulators and auditors increasingly expect firms to source more…