Goltsblat BLP
Goltsblat BLP is the Russian practice of Berwin Leighton Paisner (BLP). Goltsblat BLP was established at the beginning of 2009 as a result of a merger between one of the biggest teams of Russian lawyers and a major UK law firm, Berwin Leighton Paisner (BLP).
Goltsblat BLP is a unique offering on the Russian legal market, because of its widely recognised local law capabilities and strong English law-related capabilities, which are in increasing demand by the firm's clients.
The core of the firm is formed by a well-established Russian team with exceptional local law capabilities, extensive knowledge of the local markets and over 15-years' practical experience.
Today, with a team of over 90 Russian and English-qualified lawyers based in Moscow, Goltsblat BLP is one of the biggest international law firms in Russia/CIS.