298 white papers and resources
Check mates - AI and the future of KYC partnered with specialists NICE Actimize to survey senior financial crime executives in banks and other financial services firms to assess the efficiency of current resources, processes and systems, and the potential of artificial intelligence-assisted technology to reverse a vicious…
How to Spare Yourself the Details of Regulatory Change
This white paper examines why a number of banks are relying on a third-party provider to keep track of the latest regulatory requirements, quickly push out the changes and ensure compliance ahead of the deadline. It further provides a solution for banks looking to future-proof reporting operations.
Seven trends that will transform banking and how technology and analytics can help
As banks wrestle with the technology agenda, this white paper explores the seven trends that are likely to define how the industry evolves over the coming years.
The ECB Liquidity Stress Test 2019 - A comprehensive review of the exercise
This white paper gives an overview of the methodology and drivers behind the supervisory stress test of 2019.
A layer above: Gauging cloud's latest promise for financial services applications
Cloud technology’s presence is booming, yet its adoption has mainly been incremental. Based on research conducted by IBM in association with, this whitepaper explores firms’ general progress towards cloud transformation and what factors are likely to accelerate cloud adoption.
Insurers: Are You Ready for IFRS 17?
This white paper explains why insurers should be taking action now to prepare for the new requirements, and what to look for in an IFRS 17 solution.
Top Three Triggers to Detect Window Dressing
This white paper examines the top three triggers for window dressing and portfolio pumping. It further provides recommendations firms should abide by to instil investor confidence and ensure global regulatory compliance.
Market Response to Recent FOMC Rate Decisions - How Markets Behave Before & After Fed Rates Decisions
This white paper provides a review of how markets behave before and after Fed rate decisions and explores the impact of Fed rate decisions to market pricing.
Facing the future - Developing a response to regulatory change
This white paper discusses the steps to enabling full compliance with current regulations in Asia-Pacific. It further examines the challenges associated with new regulations and establishing a robust framework to respond to future regulatory change.
Smarter thinking around financial crime prevention
This white paper assesses the key challenges and potential risks of current anti-money laundering and customer due diligence processes, and discusses the opportunity for artificial intelligence and cognitive technologies to drive a step-change in efficiency.