Misys has been investing in strategic data aggregation, pricing engines and business intelligence dashboards to address the capacity, reporting and performance issues that banks are likely to experience with the introduction of regulations such as IFRS 9, FRTB and SA-CCR. For the trading book, FusionRisk has already released a package for SA-CCR, offering a consistent and compliant real-time solution. For FRTB, FusionCapital for pricing will address the computing power requirements that are expected to come from the market risk capital charge / FRTB-IMA and alignment needed between the front office and risk management and can work across multiple front office sources. For the new accounting standard IFRS 9, the Misys FusionRisk Impairment engine will be available in May 2016 and will bring consistency and better oversight to the calculation, classification and measurement and will allow for better visibility of processes, management and reporting of all amortised cost and cashflow related instruments affecting the balance sheet.
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This white paper explores the current credit valuation adjustment (CVA) landscape, looking at the different challenges of implementation. It discusses the various CVA strategies that are available to banks and provides insight to those looking to implement CVA projects effectively.