Risk Management

325 white papers and resources

Setting the Stage: FATCA Compliance

The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act stands to transform the global tax framework and how financial institutions track and report on their clients’ financial assets. With the law slated to come into effect in 2013, its implications and how financial institutions need to prepare is considered.

Who is compromising your security?

The longer it takes to find a breach, the longer an attacker has to exploit an opening. Even when you find a red flag, can you identify where it’s coming from, or who is compromising your security? And can you do so quickly enough to identify problems that are happening in real time?

Wrong-way CVA done right

Credit valuation adjustment (CVA) has been at the forefront of many discussions since the 2007–2008 financial crisis as a result of losses taken by major market participants due to counterparty defaults on derivatives. Basel III and threatened clearing requirements are driving change.