Risk Management

325 white papers and resources

Five key trends in risk management

Financial institutions remaining competitive within a volatile economy depends on their capacity to manage risk. This white paper identifies five key risk management solutions that financial services organisations should adopt to aid their decision making process and to limit their risk exposure.

Recalibration machine

A revolution is under way in the market of contingent claims, the consequences of which are yet to be learned. Trilemma, a new technology vendor, addresses the shift in the pricing of these claims from a probability theory to a recalibration machine. It compares this shift to the scientific…

Risk Model Validation

Senior management are expected to make crucial business decisions using complex risk models. Controversial discussions concerning the use of risk models during the financial crisis, and the new regulatory framework, have highlighted the need for a consistent approach, and the dangers that exist.

Longevity Risk

Around the world, a structural shift in demographics is taking place: people are living longer. While an increasing number of people look forward to retirement the implication for firms, funds and governments with hundreds of billions of dollars in defined-benefit pension scheme liabilities is…