Credit Risk

77 white papers and resources

Banking crisis in Cyprus: Q&A on the new banking laws

Harneys answers frequently asked questions about banking in Cyprus in the context of the current banking crisis. Key issues discussed include circumstances under which the Deposit Protection Scheme is activated, which deposits are covered by the Deposit Protection Fund and depositor compensation.

Wrong-way CVA done right

Credit valuation adjustment (CVA) has been at the forefront of many discussions since the 2007–2008 financial crisis as a result of losses taken by major market participants due to counterparty defaults on derivatives. Basel III and threatened clearing requirements are driving change.

Recalibration machine

A revolution is under way in the market of contingent claims, the consequences of which are yet to be learned. Trilemma, a new technology vendor, addresses the shift in the pricing of these claims from a probability theory to a recalibration machine. It compares this shift to the scientific…

Risk Model Validation

Senior management are expected to make crucial business decisions using complex risk models. Controversial discussions concerning the use of risk models during the financial crisis, and the new regulatory framework, have highlighted the need for a consistent approach, and the dangers that exist.