315 white papers and resources
SunGard pre-empts Dodd-Frank dilemmas
Organisations are preparing for the implementation of the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act regulations. Senior executive vice president at SunGard Energy & Commodities, Ben Jackson, explains how to pave the way and avoid getting caught out.
Basel III and IFRS 9: A tightening of the regulations
During the second half of 2010, both the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) provided further clarification and quantification of the required global standards for capital, liquidity and for the accounting of financial instruments…
Anti-money laundering compliance and technology
The nature of criminal activity means that anti-money laundering compliance efforts will constantly evolve. This white paper analyses the state of anti-money laundering compliance and technology and discusses the solutions available.
Establishing and maintaining a single customer view
In the UK it is now mandatory for deposit takers (banks, building societies and other institutions) to be able to provide the authorities with a single customer view of all deposits held by the organisation for individual depositors.
A legal guide to investing in France
This white paper from Herbert Smith gives an overview of France’s legal environment in the key areas that matter most to foreign investors. France remains today one of the most attractive countries in the world for investors.
Solvency II: data quality and governance
The Solvency II directive for insurance and reinsurance companies in the EU comes into force December 31, 2012. To comply, companies must either use a one-size-fits-all approach or build an internal model. The latter is likely to be more efficient, but ensuring accuracy is a major concern.
Winning the PCI compliance battle
This white paper reviews the basics of PCI, including who must comply, compliance requirements, validation requirements and penalties. It also examines key things to look for when selecting a PCI network testing service and introduces QualysGuard PCI.
Newlon Housing Trust selects RAM to manage £644 million asset base
With public sector organisations under increasing pressure to make significant cost savings, this case study shows how Newlon Housing Trust implemented Asset4000 to incorporate the complexities of component accounting as dictated by SORP/IFRS, into its operations without the need for extra…
Ensuring compliance through data security
Major compliance spend does not necessarily equal secured data when it comes to sensitive information security. Enterprises need to consider placing more focus on securing critical secrets that confer long-term competitive advantage, rather than just preventing accidents involving custodial data.
The ultimate risk – flawed liquidity risk management
As the global financial services industry digests Dodd-Frank, Basel III, European bank stress tests and the inexplicable ‘flash crash’ that downed Dow Jones 700 points in minutes, the question is where to now?